

Ascent is the recording of a journey, in the absence of preliminary remarks which justify the necessity of its carrying out.
It’s a videoclip to be used as a key of access; acquiring it one’s introspective communication is favoured and made easy. It stimulates a meditation on the connections between our inward spirituality and our external objective condition.
The quality of whole growing of being (as spiritual as organic) and, consequently, the quality of social interactiveness is due to the actual ability of a person in accomplishing his/her own functional inside communicative way.
This videoclip is the description of an ascent without asking oneself the reason of it. It is a running, in progress, through the reality of today again, without avoiding our unsolved inner aspect, which distinguish and always are with man’s evolving desire.
It’s reading is conditioned by noticeable uneasiness, as the images follow one another with no references, but a disjointed and fragmentary perception of words, that could be understood as an acquired value in their total perception. As it is shown by this “graffito (the real painting filmed in Ascent), the generation being-disease is stressed by the unsteady way of shooting; the impossible detailed focusing; the wave rhythm of the stepping spitted up by the horizontal breaks, which are too short to let the watcher’s retina re-establish a balanced reception; the obsessing repeat (loop) of the increasing projection. In a discordant tolerance, the sound of nature sets itself against and live together this sense of physical discomfort and bodily pain felt as mirror of everyday reality, while the increasing climbing of Ascent leads to a more and more prevailing presence of technological noise.
The achievement of the last step is our unsolved historical presence which can’t understand what is beyond the limit of our nature.

felix dario ruggeri
