16119 is the number of species of animals and plants threatened in the world. The publication in Geneva of 2006 Red List by IUCN(The World Conservation Union) updates us on the dramatic present situation. This work wants to signal with force the report of that documentation.
The number 16119 is painted on the wall of this building and put on the web all day long by one webcam for keep up the attention and reaffirm the necessity to find solutions of one fundamental problem of our society today

Technical description

To realize the work use exterior paint tempera in red and black colours.
All the surface of the wall put at disposal for realize the installation, will have to distemper with exterior paint in black colour, the number 16119 will have to paint in red. For the choice of the red colour to use, make reference to PANTONE 1805 C colour.
Position in front of the work one web cam on line all day long on the web.

felix dario ruggeri
